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Top : New : 28-Oct-2003
23 New Resource Links
Futures Planning Skills : Environmental Scanning
Environmental Scanning - The Past, The Present, and The Future
- The Georgia Center's Environmental Scanning program began in 1985. The program offers faculty and staff members the opportunity to participate in the strategic planning processes of the Georgia Center. This page is in interview formatto discuss the program, the last ten years, and the future.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Environmental Scenarios
- An Information Portal for Environmental Scenarios and Prospective Studies. Links here take you to institutions and organisations with an interest in environmental scenario analysis, to published environmental outlooks and scenario studies, as well as to other scenario-related resources.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Futures Planning Skills : Scenarios
The Scenario Approach: Gaining Acceptance of the Forecast
- The scenario-writing process described here calls for an initial suspension of evaluation so that
the group members may discuss the unthinkable. It requires a well-defined structure, acceptance by
the group, and a group leader. Scenarios may be used not only to examine what will happen, but also
to consider what might be done by the organization.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
European Environment Agency - Portal for Environmental Scenarios
- An Information Portal for Environmental Scenarios
Aims of this portal:
to facilitate access to information on outlooks and scenarios from an environmental perspective
to support the development, analysis and understanding of environmental scenarios
to provide a meeting point for those interested in environmental scenarios
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Rural Futures
Montana Climate Center
- Gateway to a vast array of information, including weather alerts, current satellite snapshots of Montana skies and instant links to weather conditions in communities across the state. Includes links to Montana DoT Web cameras that give up-to-date images of mountain-pass roads. Also links to Web pages like the National Weather Service, U.S. Geologic Survey, Montana Dept of Agriculture and Montana Natural Resource Information System.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Rural Futures : Educational Resources
Science Projects - Wind Speed Indicator
- The Energy Quest site shows a simple energy and science project for primary students entitled, "Wind Speed Indicator." It gives a simple easy-to-do instruction on building a wind speed indicator, anemometer, and an activity of measuring wind speed.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Science Projects - Building A Wind Gauge
- The Energy Quest site features an index of simple energy and science projects for primary students, including "Measuring the Wind." It gives a simple easy-to-do instruction on building a wind gauge and an activity for measuring wind.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
"Windy" Things to Make
- The site provides links to simple wind catching classroom projects such as making a pinwheel, anemometer, wind direction indicator, and wind vane. The material is suitable for the primary level.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
SolarDome's Wind Energy Glossary
- The site provides a glossary for all school levels on "Wind Energy Conversion Systems."
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Investigating Wind Energy
- Educators guidelines on investigating wind energy. Background information on air/wind and links to activities that focus on the characteristics of wind, forces that cause wind, the effects of wind and wind as a viable source of renewable energy for the 21st century. The material is suitable for primary through secondary level.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Guided Tour on Wind Energy
- Each of the nine tours is a self-contained unit. The topics include wind energy resources, wind turbine computations, how a wind turbine works, designing wind turbines, manufacturing and installing wind turbines, research and development in wind energy, wind turbines in the electrical grid, wind energy and the environment, wind energy economics and modern wind turbine history (pictures). The information in this site is suitable for college and graduate levels.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Renewable Energy Windmill Kits
- The PicoTurbine site describes two educational kits: a windmill kit that teaches wind energy concepts to grade 5 students to adults and a PicoTurbine DC Experiments Kit that teaches electrical energy concepts to grade 9 students to adults.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Amazing Solar Power, Windmill, and Renewable Energy Videos
- The PicoTurbine site offers videos on wind energy such as, "Hugh Piggott's Windmill Workshop" that demonstrates techniques for building electricity producing windmills out of scrap parts and "Residential MicrohydroPower with Don Harris." The videos are appropriate for vocational students.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
The Energy Story - Introduction
- This site features "The Energy Story, Chapter 10: Wind Energy." The chapter discusses wind energy, its applications and how it generates electricity." The Energy Story is for primary through secondary levels.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Wind Video Gallery
- The site features videos from the video gallery for sensory perceptions of wind. The videos demonstrate the effects of wind and the history of windmills. A link to "Blustery Beginnings" features other wind information resources. The material is suitable for primary through secondary levels.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 1 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Alternative and Renewable Energy, Windmill and Solar Book List
- The PicoTurbine site lists books related to wind energy such as, "Windpower: Teacher's Guide to Renewable Energy Projects" and "Windpower Pupil's Guide". The books are appropriate for grades 8 through high school levels. More books on other renewable energy topics too.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Wind Energy, Clean Power for Generations
- The site features publications about wind energy in Europe, covering topics such as: wind energy technology, effects on the environment, economics of wind energy, and wind energy development. It is suitable for high school through college levels.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Canada's Wind Energy Agenda
- The site provides quick facts on Canada's wind energy potential. It is suitable for all school levels.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Rural Futures : Energy
Energy Savers: Tips on Saving Energy
- The typical U.S. family spends close to $1,300 a year on their home's utility bills. Unfortunately, much of it is wasted through poorly insulated windows and doors, among other problems. And electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars. By using a few inexpensive energy-efficient measures, you can reduce your energy bills by 10% to 50% and, at the same time, help reduce air pollution.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Iowa Energy Center - Renewable Energy
- The Iowa Energy Center leads the state in providing accurate, usable information on wind, solar and biomass energy. The IEC has established some groundbreaking work in the renewable energy arena, including wind and solar resource maps for the entire state of Iowa, and the recent completion of the Biomass Energy CONversion (BECON) facility in Nevada.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Rural Futures : Energy : Wind Power
Utility Wind Interest Group
- The Utility Wind Interest Group (UWIG) is a non-profit corporation whose mission is to accelerate the appropriate integration of wind power into the electric system through the coordinated efforts and actions of its members, in collaboration with wind industry stakeholders, including federal agencies, trade associations, and industry research organizations. Membership is open to utilities and other entities that have an interest in wind generation.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
A Landowner's Informal Guide to Negotiating for a Wind Farm
- Commercial scale wind developments, or wind farms, have been around since the early 1980s. Montana has extensive wind resources. Wind developers are looking for suitable sites around the state. If you�re interested in offering your property as a site for a wind farm, you need to think about how you�ll make money from the project. If you�re serious, after reading this, hire a professional to help you negotiate with wind developers.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
Wind Energy - physics, costs, production, location...
- The site features college notes from a Physics 162 lecture on "Energy from the Wind: Where the Wind Blows", at the University of Oregon. It outlines the costs, production, potential location, large scale projects, problems and conclusions.
(Added: 28-Oct-2003 Hits: 0 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
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