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Top : Rural Life : Community Technology Centers

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Rural Life : Community Technology Centers Links

  • 33 Principles for Designing Learning Centers - The intent of this document is to provide a framework of educational design principles from which educators and design professionals can structure the content of their educational facility development process, from the earliest strategic and educational planning right through to design, construction, occupancy and facility management.  pop 
    (Added: 3-Mar-2001 Hits: 365 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • ED/OVAE Community Technology Centers Home Page - The purpose of the Community Technology Centers program is to promote the development of model programs that demonstrate the educational effectiveness of technology in urban and rural areas and economically distressed communities. These Community Technology Centers would provide access to information technology and related learning services to children and adults.  pop 
    (Added: 11-Mar-2001 Hits: 315 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC) Home Page - The 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program was established by Congress to award grants to rural and inner-city public schools, or consortia of such schools, to enable them to plan, implement, or expand projects that benefit the educational, health, social services, cultural and recreational needs of the community. School-based learning centers can provide safe, drug-free, supervised and cost-effective after-school, weekend or summer havens for children, youth and their families.
    (Added: 3-Mar-2001 Hits: 127 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Association For Community Networking - The AFCN is the professional service organization for community network efforts and community network managers. The AFCN operates on a non-profit basis to provide services to members, including conferences, seminars, news, professional development, and access to other communities involved in technology initiatives.
    (Added: 5-Mar-2001 Hits: 156 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Creating Learning Communities - The Coaltion for Self-Learning is a collective of autonomous individuals and groups each working independently but in mutual aid to help one another promote ideas and actions for creating learning communities and their relevance to social change. It's goals and purposes are to envision a world without schools -- a world of cooperative community life-long learning centers.
    (Added: 26-Feb-2001 Hits: 137 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • New mobile computer lab takes technology to public - Like its Popsicle-pushing predecessor, the Techmobile is designed to draw kids. But the focus of the Boys & Girls Clubs of King County's mobile computer lab is on technology, especially for youths living in remote or lower-income communities.
    (Added: 11-Mar-2001 Hits: 141 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It

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