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Rural Futures Categories

Agriculture (103)
Trends, Events, and Ideas on ways the agricultural industry can leverage change in sustainable and fruitful ways.

Aquaculture (8)
Ponds, lakes, watersheds, water, fish, fishing -- we must protect them and use them wisely today so they will be available for our children's children tomorrow. These links focus on and sustainable use of our precious water resources.

Conservation (10)
Every decision we make today on how we use the wilderness, the land, and all our natural resources will determine how long our species can survive its ride on "spaceship Earth."

Economic Development (88)
Linkages between urban and rural areas are not as simple as they once were. Isolation doesn't just mean geographically speaking. Through technological means and by cooperation, rural places can overcome many of their obvious challenges. Links within this category explore ways to to just that.

Education (32)
Small town schools are often the best place for folks to meet and hold events; likewise, it is a logical place to often begin working toward systemic change by teaching the students and townspeople ways to collaborate, envision, and lead! Education is the path toward a better tomorrow.

Educational Resources (44)
Curriculum recommendations and guidelines, lesson plans, educational resource materials, programs, guides, sources, student project suggestions, etc. The focus here is on preparing the next generation to be knowledgeable decision-makers.

Emerging Technologies (21)
Research, inventions and innovations today that will impact daily life over the next 2, 5, 10, 20, 30...years

Energy (166)
Energy use over the next five decades will require us to seriously face issues that we have been avoiding over the past five decades. What we use to produce energy, how we use that energy and the consequences of its use are all critical issues. This section focuses on energy use innovations, programs and research aimed at sustainable energy issues, and anything else that touches on these areas.
Entrepreneurship (6)
Rural entrepreneurs may be the hope for rural community sustainability. Yet, urban models, old technology, and outmoded concepts are still be using to define rural entrepreneurship. This section focuses on what rural entrepreneurs need to thrive.

Government (6)
Decision making in a new era will require a new type of citizenry: here, you may explore ways in which rural places may be transformed through focusing on ways to get people involved.

Health (10)
Rural health involves different challenges and issues than its urban counterpart. Here you will find resources focused on rural health and medicine.

Housing (8)
Early people in every country built houses from available, renewable matierials. As we reach toward the future, and our populations increase, what kinds of housing will be most energy, resource and human efficient? What materials, designs, constructions will be most sustainable? These links explore the potential future in housing.

Institutes Studies (20)
There are a number of institutes and research organizations investigating rural futures. We can learn from each others successes and mistakes and find others who are trying to solve the same problems we are. Research, experiments, and innovations that are being tried and tested in one location may have relevance to the same problems elsewhere.

Sustainability (22)
A directory of information and services on how your community can adopt sustainable development as a strategy for well-being. Sustainable projects strengthen the local economy; improve and protect the quality of the environment; and enhance the quality of life and the well-being of all of the people in your community.

Transportation (10)
As we move from dependence on fossil fueled transportation, what will take its place? air cars? heli-pods? tele-transporters?

Women (2)
Women are taking on a larger, stronger role in economic development and futures-related issues all over the globe. The role of women in rual places is also changing. Take a look.

Rural Futures Links

  • National Laboratory for the Study of Rural Telemedicine - In the broadest sense, telemedicine refers to the electronic transmission of medical information and services (voice, data, video) from one site to another using telecommunication technologies. Applications may be as simple as a phone call or as complex as interactive video consultations and robotic surgery. In a rural state like Iowa, telemedicine applications have potential significance for improving access to specialized health services for both patients and providers.
    (Added: 3-Mar-2001 Hits: 97 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page - The U.S. Department of Energy's premier laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment. Technology transfer, research and development and educational partnerships links through here.
    (Added: 8-Mar-2001 Hits: 87 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • National Rural Development Partnership - Bringing together state and national rural development councils, the NRDP works to strengthen rural America through partnerships.
    (Added: 26-Feb-2001 Hits: 80 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology - For the past 25 years, the National Center for Appropriate Technology has been serving economically disadvantaged people by providing information and access to appropriate technologies that can help improve their lives.
    (Added: 1-Nov-2001 Hits: 84 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • NGA Center for Best Practices - States employing economic development strategies that build on a region's strengths have been more successful in creating dynamic rural economies. The innovative state policy options outlined in this Issue Brief have helped states build promise for sustainable rural economic development.
    (Added: 6-Jun-2003 Hits: 56 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • NRDC's OnEarth Magazine - An excellent publication of the National Resources Defense Council. See what others are thinking and doing to work for a sustainable future.
    (Added: 18-Oct-2001 Hits: 72 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • NRDC: Natural Resources Defense Council - The NRDC's purpose is to safeguard the Earth: people, plants, animals and the natural systems on which all life depends, to restore the integrity of the air, land and water and to defend endangered natural places; to establish sustainability and good stewardship of the Earth; to protect nature in ways that advance the long-term welfare of present and future generations; to foster the fundamental right of all people to have a voice in decisions that affect their environment.
    (Added: 18-Oct-2001 Hits: 82 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Plausible Futures Newsletter - The purpose of this site is to help strategic thinking by delievering quality controlled information of interest. The chosen topics and threads of information found here are selected for the purpose of explaining the scale and scope of global political, humanitarian, environmental, demographic, economic and technological developments.
    (Added: 1-Sep-2002 Hits: 61 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Queensland Positive Rural Futures Conference2001 - The State Of Queensland is holding a Positive Rural Futures Conference in May of this year. It is apparently an annual event ... perhaps a resource for transformation here in North America.
    (Added: 6-Mar-2001 Hits: 72 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It
  • Rocky Mountain Institute - Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent, nonprofit research, consulting, and education organization based in Old Snowmass, Colorado focuses on building economically strong futures while at the same time preserving environmental health and natural resources.
    (Added: 3-Mar-2001 Hits: 76 Rating: 0 Votes: 0) Rate It

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